Rubiani Wealth Management is a financial advisory company. We provide research services, advisory services, training and access to financial solutions. We have partnered with leading financial institutions to provide you with the best financial solutions.

We have over 10 years of experience in the financial industry .

Our Reason for Being

About 70% of funds are stored in banks with low to no interest earning on the funds.

About 20% of the funds are held in treasury bills and other low risk products. Only 10% or less is held in other cash management products such as REITS, Corporate Bonds, Commercial Papers and Unit Trusts.

As our economy becomes more sophisticated with diverse products for cash management, it is becoming imperative for treasuries to receive training and partner with consultants who will provide them with research, information and access to the highest yielding products for their cash situation while mitigating risks.

Rubiani Wealth Management is you ideal partner for this and we endeavor to provide only the best to our clients.

Cash in Bank
Treasury Bills and Bonds
Other Cash Management Products

Our Services

In order to help you grow your business, our carefully selected experts can advise you in in the following areas:
Cash Management Solutions
Through research and consultancy, we will provide you with the best information for your cash management decisions. We help you manage your risks and liquidity needs to maximize your returns.
Training and Research
Our traning team of experts have put together a coarse that seeks to provide continuous training to accountants. financial analysts and other cash management stakeholders in a bid to keep them updated with the latest in the finance market.
Corporate Financing
Through partnerships with banks and other lending institutions, private equities and venture capitalists, we can help your business source for ideal funding for projects or expansion.

Who Are Our Clients

Some of Our Partners

We have partnered with leading fund managers, stockbrokers, insurance companies, private equities and banks to ensure that we provide you with the best financial services.

Latest Reports

If you are interested in receiving our reports on email, kindly get in touch with our research team via email --
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Meet the people that are going to take your business to the next level.
Alex Kibebe
Alex Kibebe

Investment Consultant

Lead training coordinator with years of experience in financial concepts and research. Has Capital Markets Authority (CMA) CISI and Insurance Regulatory Authority(IRA) COP qualifications.

Anne Kibebe- Chege
Anne Kibebe- Chege

Investment Consultant

Anne Chege has over 15 years in the investment sector having worked for the Nairobi Securities Exchange, a stockbroker, a fund manager and an investment bank. She is a CFA Chatter Holder and CISI qualified.

Contact us

245 Muringa Road, Kilimani, Nairobi
Customer Support
E-mail: Phone: (254) 771-388981