Who We Are

Rubiani Wealth Management is a Financial Advisory company which facilitates demystifying of the investment and insurance space through the empowering of investment decision makers.

The company was registered as a wealth management and Insurance advisory company in year 2016, with a main role of providing research- awareness creation, advice and access on financial solutions

In execution of its role, Rubiani Wealth management has partnered with leading Fund managers, stock brokers, Investment banks, Insurance companies, Private Equity players and other financial institutions to provide comprehensive financial solutions

The company’s directors have over 15 years of experience in the investment and insurance industry having worked under leading players in this banking, insurance and investment space through their career journey.

Company Name Address Telephone number Social Media address Physical Address
 Rubiani Wealth Management

Corporate Solution

P.O. Box 20459



+254 720 851058

+254 710833993



Twitter – @rubianiwealth



245 Muringa

Muringa road/ Ndemi Road Junction

Off Argwins Kodhek

Why We Do It

Having spent about 15 years in the banking, insurance and Investment industry, the directors of Rubiani Wealth Management realized a gap in the appreciation of opportunities in the financial space. Large amounts of company funds have been realizing sub-optimal returns owing a challenge in the identification and access of opportunities that decision makers can leverage for optimal returns.

The sub-optimal investment have also resulted from a perception of the financial space as complicated and risky, thus seeing many decision makers prefer to remain invested in comfortable investment options and loosing opportunities for enhanced returns within a strong risk environment.

Our Objective

AWARENESS – The Rubiani Wealth Management team seeks to demystify the investment and insurance world by enhancing awareness levels of investment decision makers at individual and corporate levels through trainings, availing information from research and industry analysis, and updating such decision makers with full information of available opportunities and developments around industry and products.

ADVICE – The investment journey is unique to each corporate and individual, and in order to ensure that your unique requirements are factored into and guide the investment journey, the Rubiani team walks a tailored journey with you in ensuring that the identified opportunities meet your unique investment objectives and constraints. The team further guides at points of investment environment or investor circumstance changes to ensure these are quickly and effectively captured at every investment and insurance action points.

ACCESS– Leveraging on the team’s networks, partners and experience, Rubiani Wealth Management facilitates quick access of identified opportunities, smooth and agile switching from partner or product to the other, to ensure timely access of products once identified.

How We Do It

– Tailored workshops;

►    Company Treasury/ Investment decision maker training at the office or identified venue

q  Group Workshop

►    Identified decision makers join larger group of trainees organized by Rubiani Wealth team

–  Frequent engagement to appreciate company objectives and constraints

– Weekly market round-ups

– Monthly market reports

– Frequent research notes and articles on relevant financial market matters as well as company reviews and analysis

– Through partnership with top-tier providers based on identified opportunities.


– Due diligence done to ensure management integrity and operational efficiency of identified partners.

What We Do


Treasury Training

►    Investment decision makers empowerment in investment products, their features, processes, regulatory and legal environment for informed decision making

Treasury solution

►    Research and Information – Provision of industry and products information and advice on optimal investment opportunities for enhanced returns of company cash flows.

►    Access – Facilitation of products acquisition and  value add relationship management


Corporate Finance

►    Demystifying of the fund raising space

►    Facilitate appreciation of

–  optimal fund raining options

–  Fund raising partners under their distinct operations and threshold categories